Written by Kenny Chang
TV Show
Futuristic Sci-Fi TV Pilot
In the year 2132, Earth recovers from decimation after managing a decisive victory from an invasive alien race. However, a new threat arises as left-behind alien tech from the war leads to a discovery of spirits that roam the planet. These spirits, called Reapers, jump into weak human bodies and continue living out their past lives. 
Most Reapers are sprits that have not moved onto the afterlife due traumatic life experiences and roam the realm of humans to seek vengeance on the world. This new threat is largely ignored by the newly established government, despite evidence and research linking Reapers to majority of violent crimes occurring in alarming rates.
 Instead of facing the new threat, the Government relies on contracted bounty hunters to resolve the issue. However, the issue of Reapers deepen as it is revealed that the military is readying for a coup using Reapers research and a time-traveling revenant sorcerer appears to control the Reapers to commandeer mankind’s future.
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